CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 includes Delphi. C++Builder® 2007 the leading RAD C++ IDE. You will find the serial number on. The new registration wizard in RAD Studio 2007 offers only two. Enter a serial number as well. Delphi Product Manager - CodeGear.
We currently use Rad Studio 2007 and are expecting to upgrade to Delphi XE soon!
Does anybody know how we can see what the serial number was used when installing Rad Studio 2007?
Regards, Pieter
2 Answers
'LicenseManager.exe' in the 'bin' folder of the 'Rad Studio' installation should show it.
Also, you can see all your registered products with serial numbers on EDN My registered products page (after logging in).
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I have an issue installing Delphi 2007 RAD Studio Professional onto Windows 7 64 Bit Enterprise.
Everything is fine until I enter the serial number for the installation. After I enter it and click the next button in the installation wizard I get an installation script error at line 906. OKing that error closes the installer.
I have done some Googling but have not found anything similar yet (though I have found a lot of references to people who have installed it on various versions of 64 bit windows and who have had other issues).
I have been able to install Delphi 2009 on the same machine with no problems.
I'd really like to get 2007 installed as this is currently our primary Delphi development IDE.

3 Answers
I had problems installing Delphi 2007 from my original DVD from CodeGear. However, after logging into the CodeGear/Embarcadero website, I was able to download the latest DVD ISO (with all updates already applied) for Delphi 2007 and that resolved all of my installation issues.
I'd suggest trying that. Also, you will need to uninstall your broken installation if possible. Try using Revo Uninstaller (free) to help with getting rid of all the extra stuff left around from a broken installation.
You mention you previously installed Delphi 2009 on the same machine. Could it be you are running into this issue? I quote:
Symptom: Attempting to install Delphi 2007 or C++Builder 2007 results in Install Script Error 1580.
Cause: This problem occurs when the installer is run from a directory that contains a slip file for a different product than the one being installed.
Solution: Save the installer (i.e. setup.exe) to an empty directory before running it. For example: c:tempdelphi2007.

If you're trying to install into the default folder (%PROGRAMFILES%CodeGearRAD Studio5.0), you could be having trouble with permissions. Are you running the installer as an Administrator?
You should try re-running the installation as Administrator, and install to somewhere other than %PROGRAMFILES%. I have D2007, D2009, and D2010 all running on Win7 64 Home Premium in a folder called E:Delphi, to which I can safely give read/write access to everyone. (Later versions of Delphi are sensitive to access rights and UAC under Vista and Win7, but D7 and 2007 not so much; both of those try to write information to the ($BDS) folders, which is verboten under Vista and Win7).