This is the latest PCB layout files. rev. 2007.05.19
SOUND/PTT/CI-V PCB size is 110 x 60 millimeter - Layout in High resolution rev. 2007.05.19
High resolution Audio/PTT/CI-V PCB layout (In 539Kb 600x600dpi .jpg file)
(Ready to print on 115x65mm board)
In addition there is also a layout for a " pc-sound="" to="" rig="" interface="" only'="" available="" on="" the="" 'old="" page'="" if="" ci-v="" part's="" not="" needed="">
You can read more about making your own printed circuit boards -->Here!
- Component placement -
This is the PCB with the corrected layout with C6 and C8 in the correct places. (PLED is missing in this drawing. Refere to images of component side for component placement)
Component side of PCB with component placement (OLD VERSION)
Component placement - High resulotion (330K .pdf file)
- Internal wire hookup -
Drawing of the internal wire hookup to transceiver (TRCV) and PC
Internal wire hookup (OLD VERSION)
- Honors to the brains behind -
Usually the information about almost anything is to be found on the internet;-), this is also the case for this interface. Here is some links to pages that helped me to get " inspiration'="" for="" this="" project.="">
DF4OR Ekki's exelent page about making a CI-V interface
K4ABT Buck's disassembly of the 'RASCAL' SoundCard interface
HB9DRV Simon, author of the 'HamRadio Deluxe' software @
Read more..
Ham radio software i currently use. --> Read more!
Building a silent computer for my radio shack. --> Read more!
©1999-2006 SM2YER Goran