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Innovator and author Scott Thorpe guides you step-by-step through the process of freeing yourself from your 'rule ruts' so you can. Pensar como Einstein.
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Como Pensar Como Einstein
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You can be a genius too! Learn the skills and hacks from the greatest minds in history!
From creative business and to improving relationships, How to Think Like Einstein provides the tools for the everyday challenges at the home and in the office. Innovator and author Scott Thorpe guides you step-by-step through the process of freeing yourself from your 'rule ruts' so you c..more
From creative business and to improving relationships, How to Think Like Einstein provides the tools for the everyday challenges at the home and in the office. Innovator and author Scott Thorpe guides you step-by-step through the process of freeing yourself from your 'rule ruts' so you c..more
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More Details..How to Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius
9580461422 (ISBN13: 9789580461425)
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Pensar Como Einstein Scott Thorpe Pdf
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Rating details
Jan 30, 2017Charles Franklin rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I picked up this book because I'm interested in creative thinking . I made the decision to become a content marketer so I thought I might as well work on being creative! This book exposed me to a different side of Einstein's thinking. Like the typical American, it took me a long time and A LOT of books to realize that there's more to Einstein than E=MC squared. He was a revolutionary, social justice advocate, and free thinker.
This book picked up on that 'free thinking' vibe, arguing that Einstei..more
This book picked up on that 'free thinking' vibe, arguing that Einstei..more
Feb 03, 2019Tamara Juricic rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Expected much more. The book basically tells you to break the rules (which can be explained in few paragraphs) but with quite vague ideas and examples. Blah.
Aug 05, 2007Nathan rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Ugh. This book promotes the throw a bunch of stuff in a pot, shake, then throw it at the wall and see what sticks, then repeat method of 'creativity.' The flaw is that it promotes thinking and thinking when true creativity comes from the stillness of the mind, not the soup of rational thought that clouds the present. The quotes are good though! Written by a sales and marketing guy, this book could be useful for people in that profession who want to break 'out of the box.' But don't expect to lea..more
Dec 26, 2010Dave rated it liked it · review of another edition
One of many credible books on creativity. Describes several heuristics for developing flexibility and fluency in identifying, framing and solving problems. I prefer James Adams' 'Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas' But that may reflect my personal bias more than an objective view. For those who have not read much on creative problem solving Thorpe's book may be a good introduction . For those who have read other works on the subject, How to Think Like Einstein may be a competent re..more
May 27, 2018Jeff Brateman rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I got this as a gift from a family member, and figured I would read it before donating to Goodwill. Good thing I did.. NOT. This book is a gross simplification of so many things, it's almost laughable. There are stories of other successful people boiled down to a single sentence. No, sorry, it's always more complicated than that.
This does get at least 2 stars though, because some of the tips on being creative, managing creatives, and blossoming ideas and idea-making are somewhat useful, and the..more
This does get at least 2 stars though, because some of the tips on being creative, managing creatives, and blossoming ideas and idea-making are somewhat useful, and the..more

Jan 08, 2019Melissa rated it liked it · review of another edition
It was interesting to read about different ways to solve problems, but I found the advice to be really repetitive. For this reason, it could have conveyed the same suggestions but with less pages. Also, I feel like the examples were not the most useful or understandable, especially in the latter sections as they focused primarily on solving corporate issues.
Apr 23, 2018Lorraine rated it liked it · review of another edition
3.5 Stars. I really enjoyed this short book on creative thinking. He included many good suggestions on steps to take on how to solve a problem. I found the book very interesting yet not too scientific and overwhelming.
May 11, 2017Ocean rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I feel that the way the book was wrote makes you really have to think while you are reading it, which is perfect. It's what I exactly wanted from the book.
Jul 24, 2017Alaa A rated it it was ok · review of another edition
May 11, 2017Joe Oaster rated it liked it · review of another edition
Not much new here that I have not heard in the past. Some interesting ideas and concepts always helpful to hear again.
Mar 17, 2019James Hauenstein rated it liked it · review of another edition

Everyone needs help now and then to navigate through life. It’s helpful in some ways and others it seems a copy of other books I have read.
Mar 17, 2017Adam rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Eh. The title is click bait. I'd guess the author read a one page biography of Einstein and decided that it would sell. He wrapped his principles around Einstein instead of actually teaching Einstein. The book can be summed up in the first and last line of the book and a line that is repeated so much you'll hate it by the end: be like Einstein by breaking the rules.
Mar 09, 2017Cliff Chew rated it liked it · review of another edition
This is quite an interesting and light book. The focus of this book seems to be on expanding one's thinking, so that one can come up with creative solutions to very difficult problems. Some of the points in this book might seem pretty trivial, but I think everything adds up.
I guess this book doesn't bring as much value to me because I am already quite a eccentric person that thinks about a lot of weird stuff. Interesting, some of the advice matches with books on how to think like Da Vinci.
I guess this book doesn't bring as much value to me because I am already quite a eccentric person that thinks about a lot of weird stuff. Interesting, some of the advice matches with books on how to think like Da Vinci.
Jan 09, 2017Bryan Seaford rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Helpful book if you are trying to solve a problem, or have a solution in search of a problem.
Apr 10, 2016Zee Monodee rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Wanted to like this book, and even to finish it..but couldn't, because basically, it is telling you 'think outside the box'..but what is the box and what is outside? That's what I expected this to get into, but I couldn't slog along the book to find if there was even an answer to this, as it kept harping on this 'think outside the box' idea, but this is something everyone already knows, right? How do you put it into practice: is what I wanted this book to answer.
Jun 27, 2010Juan Baez rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I read the Spanish version long time ago. You will not think like him after you read the book (not even close)and off course nobody would expect that.. however there are some nice concepts and ideas on this book. I like the 'don't discard any idea to solve a problem even-thought is crazy and unlikely' it might help others somehow to come with a good and possible one.
Jan 04, 2016Greg rated it it was ok · review of another edition
The writing is like a cheesy self-help book, with short declarative sentences repeatedly imploring the reader to 'break the rule' or 'grow a solution' by looking at problems from a different perspective. Some good quotes and generally good guidance but too repetitive and too many cliches make this hard to recommend.
Dec 12, 2009Carolyn Powers rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
My colleagues say this is a dangerous book for me to read as they cannot keep up with my thought patterns as it is, but I love this do it the opposite way and see what new ideas are created approach. Good thought provoking discoveries!
Jul 25, 2016Michael rated it liked it · review of another edition
Overall the book had some good concepts and practices that can be applied to many life situations. I probably would need to listen again or get a hard copy of the book to really apply the problem solving techniques. On the down side, it seemed repetitive in parts and a little to self help in style.
Aug 19, 2013Eric rated it it was ok · review of another edition
The strategies for breaking 'rule ruts' and better understanding how to define a problem are useful, but it really felt that a lot of the matter was not particularly groundbreaking and that at times the associations with Einstein were very forced.
Jul 02, 2010Penelope rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This is a very provocative book that made me think about how I think and why. I will use some of the concepts in my working life. I love the ideas of breaking the rules. I believe that you have to know the rules first before you can break them!
May 23, 2008Blanca rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Einstein was a great and significant scientist. This book will help you find your inner genius just like the title states. A great motivation book for student struggling with science. I enjoyed reading the interesting facts about Einstein.
Sep 28, 2011Richard Stephenson rated it liked it · review of another edition
I liked it.
A fun, quick, and decently useful overview of thinking a bit more 'out-of-the-box.' No real major breakthroughs here, but a nice compilation (in an easily and enjoyably digestible format) of philosophies and techniques to squeeze a bit more power out of your intra-ear CPU.
A fun, quick, and decently useful overview of thinking a bit more 'out-of-the-box.' No real major breakthroughs here, but a nice compilation (in an easily and enjoyably digestible format) of philosophies and techniques to squeeze a bit more power out of your intra-ear CPU.
Jun 09, 2016hissi rated it it was ok · review of another edition
this is one of those books that revolve around one idea. it makes me wonder how he made a book from it. read the label and the first chapter and you've pretty much read the whole book. I can't believe I wasted three hours of my life.
Aug 15, 2009Rick rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This is a fun book. Thorpe goes through a list of ways to think differently to solve problems. Einstein truly 'thought outside the rules' or the box as they say. This is a fun read filled with a ton of ideas to help move past sticking points in all areas of our lives.
Jul 28, 2011Gada rated it really liked it · review of another edition
one of my favorite books, want to re-read it soon
Feb 06, 2008Cicip added it · review of another edition
funny, unexpected, to become like him we have to hardly follow the rules..bwahaha..
Mar 29, 2013Lori Grant rated it really liked it · review of another edition
A should-read book on creative frameworks in self development for knowledge workers, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs.
May 22, 2008Missy added it · review of another edition
Halfway through. Great if you are stuck on a problem.
Jul 23, 2013Shay Sta ana rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
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“A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow.” – GEORGE PATTON” — 0 likes
“Collaborating with someone in your field or with your education background is sometimes good but highly incestuous. Seek advice from those with different opinions, professions, backgrounds, and biases.” — 0 likes
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Start by marking “How to Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius” as Want to Read:
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Not the book you’re looking for?Preview — How to Think Like Einstein by Scott Thorpe
In this totally accessible, ingenious book, you will learn the tricks and techniques to solve bewildering problems from the greatest minds in history, including Albert Einstein. From business and parenting to becoming more creative and improving relationships, How to Think Like Einstein provides the tools to discovering breakthrough solutions to everyday challenges.
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Published January 15th 2000 by Sourcebooks
More Details..How to Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius
1570715858 (ISBN13: 9781570715853)
All EditionsAdd a New EditionCombine
..Less Detailedit detailsTo see what your friends thought of this book,please sign up.
To ask other readers questions aboutHow to Think Like Einstein,please sign up.
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Rating details
Jan 30, 2017Charles Franklin rated it it was amazing
I picked up this book because I'm interested in creative thinking . I made the decision to become a content marketer so I thought I might as well work on being creative! This book exposed me to a different side of Einstein's thinking. Like the typical American, it took me a long time and A LOT of books to realize that there's more to Einstein than E=MC squared. He was a revolutionary, social justice advocate, and free thinker.
This book picked up on that 'free thinking' vibe, arguing that Einstei..more
This book picked up on that 'free thinking' vibe, arguing that Einstei..more
Expected much more. The book basically tells you to break the rules (which can be explained in few paragraphs) but with quite vague ideas and examples. Blah.
Aug 05, 2007Nathan rated it it was ok
Ugh. This book promotes the throw a bunch of stuff in a pot, shake, then throw it at the wall and see what sticks, then repeat method of 'creativity.' The flaw is that it promotes thinking and thinking when true creativity comes from the stillness of the mind, not the soup of rational thought that clouds the present. The quotes are good though! Written by a sales and marketing guy, this book could be useful for people in that profession who want to break 'out of the box.' But don't expect to lea..more
Dec 26, 2010Dave rated it liked it · review of another edition
One of many credible books on creativity. Describes several heuristics for developing flexibility and fluency in identifying, framing and solving problems. I prefer James Adams' 'Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas' But that may reflect my personal bias more than an objective view. For those who have not read much on creative problem solving Thorpe's book may be a good introduction . For those who have read other works on the subject, How to Think Like Einstein may be a competent re..more
May 27, 2018Jeff Brateman rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I got this as a gift from a family member, and figured I would read it before donating to Goodwill. Good thing I did.. NOT. This book is a gross simplification of so many things, it's almost laughable. There are stories of other successful people boiled down to a single sentence. No, sorry, it's always more complicated than that.
This does get at least 2 stars though, because some of the tips on being creative, managing creatives, and blossoming ideas and idea-making are somewhat useful, and the..more
This does get at least 2 stars though, because some of the tips on being creative, managing creatives, and blossoming ideas and idea-making are somewhat useful, and the..more
It was interesting to read about different ways to solve problems, but I found the advice to be really repetitive. For this reason, it could have conveyed the same suggestions but with less pages. Also, I feel like the examples were not the most useful or understandable, especially in the latter sections as they focused primarily on solving corporate issues.
Apr 23, 2018Lorraine rated it liked it
3.5 Stars. I really enjoyed this short book on creative thinking. He included many good suggestions on steps to take on how to solve a problem. I found the book very interesting yet not too scientific and overwhelming.
I feel that the way the book was wrote makes you really have to think while you are reading it, which is perfect. It's what I exactly wanted from the book.
Jul 24, 2017Alaa A rated it it was ok
Not much new here that I have not heard in the past. Some interesting ideas and concepts always helpful to hear again.
Everyone needs help now and then to navigate through life. It’s helpful in some ways and others it seems a copy of other books I have read.
Eh. The title is click bait. I'd guess the author read a one page biography of Einstein and decided that it would sell. He wrapped his principles around Einstein instead of actually teaching Einstein. The book can be summed up in the first and last line of the book and a line that is repeated so much you'll hate it by the end: be like Einstein by breaking the rules.
This is quite an interesting and light book. The focus of this book seems to be on expanding one's thinking, so that one can come up with creative solutions to very difficult problems. Some of the points in this book might seem pretty trivial, but I think everything adds up.
I guess this book doesn't bring as much value to me because I am already quite a eccentric person that thinks about a lot of weird stuff. Interesting, some of the advice matches with books on how to think like Da Vinci.
I guess this book doesn't bring as much value to me because I am already quite a eccentric person that thinks about a lot of weird stuff. Interesting, some of the advice matches with books on how to think like Da Vinci.
Jan 09, 2017Bryan Seaford rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Helpful book if you are trying to solve a problem, or have a solution in search of a problem.
Apr 10, 2016Zee Monodee rated it it was ok
Wanted to like this book, and even to finish it..but couldn't, because basically, it is telling you 'think outside the box'..but what is the box and what is outside? That's what I expected this to get into, but I couldn't slog along the book to find if there was even an answer to this, as it kept harping on this 'think outside the box' idea, but this is something everyone already knows, right? How do you put it into practice: is what I wanted this book to answer.
I read the Spanish version long time ago. You will not think like him after you read the book (not even close)and off course nobody would expect that.. however there are some nice concepts and ideas on this book. I like the 'don't discard any idea to solve a problem even-thought is crazy and unlikely' it might help others somehow to come with a good and possible one.
Jan 04, 2016Greg rated it it was ok · review of another edition
The writing is like a cheesy self-help book, with short declarative sentences repeatedly imploring the reader to 'break the rule' or 'grow a solution' by looking at problems from a different perspective. Some good quotes and generally good guidance but too repetitive and too many cliches make this hard to recommend.
Dec 12, 2009Carolyn Powers rated it it was amazing
My colleagues say this is a dangerous book for me to read as they cannot keep up with my thought patterns as it is, but I love this do it the opposite way and see what new ideas are created approach. Good thought provoking discoveries!
Overall the book had some good concepts and practices that can be applied to many life situations. I probably would need to listen again or get a hard copy of the book to really apply the problem solving techniques. On the down side, it seemed repetitive in parts and a little to self help in style.
The strategies for breaking 'rule ruts' and better understanding how to define a problem are useful, but it really felt that a lot of the matter was not particularly groundbreaking and that at times the associations with Einstein were very forced.
This is a very provocative book that made me think about how I think and why. I will use some of the concepts in my working life. I love the ideas of breaking the rules. I believe that you have to know the rules first before you can break them!
May 23, 2008Blanca rated it really liked it
Pense Em Einstein Scott Thorpe
Einstein was a great and significant scientist. This book will help you find your inner genius just like the title states. A great motivation book for student struggling with science. I enjoyed reading the interesting facts about Einstein.
I liked it.
A fun, quick, and decently useful overview of thinking a bit more 'out-of-the-box.' No real major breakthroughs here, but a nice compilation (in an easily and enjoyably digestible format) of philosophies and techniques to squeeze a bit more power out of your intra-ear CPU.
A fun, quick, and decently useful overview of thinking a bit more 'out-of-the-box.' No real major breakthroughs here, but a nice compilation (in an easily and enjoyably digestible format) of philosophies and techniques to squeeze a bit more power out of your intra-ear CPU.
Jun 09, 2016hissi rated it it was ok
this is one of those books that revolve around one idea. it makes me wonder how he made a book from it. read the label and the first chapter and you've pretty much read the whole book. I can't believe I wasted three hours of my life.
Aug 15, 2009Rick rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This is a fun book. Thorpe goes through a list of ways to think differently to solve problems. Einstein truly 'thought outside the rules' or the box as they say. This is a fun read filled with a ton of ideas to help move past sticking points in all areas of our lives.
Jul 28, 2011Gada rated it really liked it
one of my favorite books, want to re-read it soon
Feb 06, 2008Cicip added it
funny, unexpected, to become like him we have to hardly follow the rules..bwahaha..
Mar 29, 2013Lori Grant rated it really liked it
A should-read book on creative frameworks in self development for knowledge workers, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs.
Halfway through. Great if you are stuck on a problem.
This book is amazing!!!
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“A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow.” – GEORGE PATTON” — 0 likes
“Collaborating with someone in your field or with your education background is sometimes good but highly incestuous. Seek advice from those with different opinions, professions, backgrounds, and biases.” — 0 likes
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