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Dragon Naturally Speaking and VMware Fusion
Original Thread Title: 'Will VMware support Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS)?'
I take no credit for creation of the substance of this document (which I've found to be quite helpful). Naturally, all the credit belongs to those dedicated, experienced people who contributed their time, energy and experience to it's development. It's not fancy, nor all that technical, but for me, it contained some solid, practical pointers to running and troubleshooting DNS in VM Fusion. I hope people continue to add to and build this document's usefulness.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is an excellent voice recognition software by Nuance (formerly ScanSoft) - for my money, DNS is the best voice recognition software on the market. It now (v.9) comes in three (3) editions - levels of sophistication and functionality - Standard, Preferred, and Professional (Pro). DNS Pro Edition comes in at least three (3) 'flavors' - DNS Pro, DNS Legal, and DNS Medical (Legal and Medical have built-in, additional technical & professional vocabularies), and there may be other 'flavors' out there as well.
As a disabled U.S. veteran, currently using DNS Pro on a PC running Windows XP Pro, it's been a treasure. Those familiar with adaptive technologies will be aware, though, that DNS is Windows only app. As devoted a DNS Pro user I am, it's devotion born of necessity. My allegiance is to Apple computers for all the reasons any reader of this document will already know.
As any longtime Mac lover/user (my 1st Apple was a Mac SE, 20 MB HDD, with what was then a sizzling upgrade - 8 MB of RAM), I think that most who are also familiar with adaptive technologies would agree that DNS Pro is the most sophisticated consumer voice recognition software available. However, until recently, DNS was not a truly viable option (fast and high-performing) for running on Macs, and voice recognition software made for Mac OS still leave much to be desired.
Without getting into the Darwinistic market forces that shaped their placement on the technological evolutionary tree, we'll just leave the discussion of voice recognition apps for Mac OS; e.g., iListen, ViaVoice, etc., by describing them as exceedingly disappointing. Based on experience, regrettably, they do not even come close to Dragon NaturallySpeaking Pro's performance, accuracy, ease of use, documentation, and all the other criteria one could list.
However, then came Intel Macs, Boot Camp, VM Fusion, and other brilliant streams of welcome light! Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!
What follows is some proof -- DNS works well on Macs via VMware Fusion, but like most technology, it also takes some work on the part of the user. . .
Original Thread begins here:
VMware is a company. Fusion is their Mac product. I highly doubt VMware will support another company's unrelated product.
However, if you're asking if Fusion will run DNS, I haven't tried it myself but there are reports that it does - search the forums for 'Dragon Naturally Speaking'
For Dragon you need lot of memory and a good performing processor. I think it will work but...my choice will be Boot Camp.
I have an intel imac with 2 Ghz duo core 2, 1GB RAM. Naturally speaking 8 has always worked in Boot Camp (Win XP, SP2), and quite well at that. I use a Plantronics USB headset. It never worked right with the Parallels trial that I tried. Fusion B4, using the Boot Camp partition worked great. Better still, I have been running it in a new VM (again, XP), and have to say it works very well. For what its worth, I can even play streaming audio or iTunes in OSX through the speakers, while AT THE SAME TIME dictating and playing back my dictation through the USB headset, obviously with Dragon in the VM. I copied/imported my speech files from the Boot Camp partition into the VM. It works very well. I dictate and edit 45-100 page documents into WordPerfect 10, now in a Fusion VM.
how does the setup of the USB mic work in Fusion? Do you let Fusion recognize the mic as a USB mic, or do you (as in Parallels) tell the VM to ignore USB, designate your audio input source as 'line-in' in DNS, and let OS X recognize the USB mic?
I honestly don't recall the specifics, but I just plug in the USB mic, and/or make sure that it is connected in Fusion, and launch DNS. I have at times forgotten to connect the USB mic, launched DNS, and received a message to the effect that it can't find the mic, then connected the mic into Fusion, and merely continued loading my user into DNS. I have never had to 'trick' DNS into using a pseudo line-in.
In fact, with the Fusion RC, you cannot use multiple Sound devices. That is, you can't tell Fusion to use a specific sound device as input or output. It will simply pipe the default input/output device.
As mentioned by the other user, you should just be able to 'connect the USB device' to the Virtual Machine. This means, plug it into your computer, and then on the vm, find the appropriate USB device on the status bar (bottom right of the window) and click on connect. This is equivalent to unplugging the USB from your mac, and plugging it in to the VM. The VM should be able to recognize and use it with whatever software you choose.
OK. I finally got this thing to work. Just a recap. I have a 24'iMac 2.16 ghz intel duo core processor with 2gb RAM (1gb to the Mac and 1gb to Fusion). I am running Leopard 10.5.1 (the new update released last week) and have installed Fusion 1.1 and am running Win XP Pro w/ SP2. I have put dragon naturally speaking (DNS) on and loaded all of my voabulaires from the PC I use it on at my office. I am a physician and we use DNS to transcribe our dictations into a electronic medical record. I have tested a Phillips Speechmike Pro II USB microphone and a Logitech desktop USB microphone and both work great. In fact, with the Phillips Speechmike Pro II, I have even gotten the 'Function keys' - specifically the record button - programmed to turn the microphone on and off.
Here is what I did. BEFORE starting the VM, plug in vwhichever USB device you are going to use. Next, in OS X, click system preferences, then sound, then input, and then click the USB device you have plugged in. This now tells the MAC that the USB device will be the audio input for the CPU. Now start the VM. Once it is up and running, along the bottom right of the VM screen you will see some USB symbols next to the CD symbol. Put the mouse pointer over the USB symbols and it will tell you what is connected to each one. When you find the symbol that has your microphone device connected, click the USB symbol and then click 'Connect'. This now tells the VM to use this device for audio input. That is it. You are now ready to use the microphone and DNS.
I have tried this same scenario with a Line/In microphone and headset microphone without success. From what I have read on the discussion boards, it does not appear as if Fusion supports Line/In devices (I may be wrong on that but I have not read otherwise and cannot get it to work myself). The only other tidbit I would offer is that DNS is very RAM and Processor intensive. On a PC I use 2gb of RAM just for the DNS and it works well. If you have performance problems, I would try to designate at least 2gb of RAM to the VM if possible. I think it will help with overall performance.
I welcome anyone elses feedback, experiences, tips or tricks.
I beg your patience as I'm new to all of this, but I'm in the market for anything that will give me a break from my carpal tunnel, and I just want to make sure that I have the facts straight before I drop dough:
If I run Fusion, I'll be able to run Dragon in Mac programs on the 'Mac side' of the computer, including anything in the Office Suite and Firefox? And if I can't dedicate 2G of memory to it (which I won't be able to as my new Macbook just has 2G SDRAM), it will drag a bit, but will still function?
Do I have this correct? Because it was my understanding that I could only run DNS on the VM (either Fusion or Parallel), which is not what I want. I'd rather go the iListen route then, and I've heard such bad things about it.
Will I still have to install Windows on the Mac? If so, does it matter if it's XP or Vista?
Much thanks.
If I run Fusion, I'll be able to run Dragon in Mac programs on the 'Mac side' of the computer, including anything in the Office Suite and Firefox?
No, Dragon will be limited to running in the VM.
Will I still have to install Windows on the Mac?
Yes, you still need Windows.
I haven't been able to get the sound to work in Fusion 1.1 for DNS. I get 'Failed to Connect to Sound Device in VM'. XP either 32 or 64 bit versions.
Yes, DNS does work on the Mac side. It just is in a round about way. On the VM side, it works seamlessly. I do not know about with Vista as I do not have it. I run Win XP Pro w/ SP2. To use DNS on the mac side, just open the VM and start running windows. Next open a wordpad or word document ON THE WINDOWS SIDE. With DNS up and running, say the command 'show dictation box'. This opens the dictation box and you can dictate whatever you want. When you are finished, highlight the text you dictated and then right click onit and select copy. Now click on the Mac OS side and put you cursor in word, excel, powerpoint, pages, numbers, keynote, firfox, or mail and the select paste and it pastes the text that you generated using DNS. I know it is a work aorund but it does work.
Your last question, do you have to install Windows. Yes because to my knowledge DNS is only compatible with windows.
I have found the following to be a superior configuration. This yields the best performance I have ever gotten from DNS on Mac or native PC:
XP x64 and fusion 1.1, MBP 2.4 17', 160 GB HD 7200 rpm. Allot 1024 mb for VM.
Install DNS 9 first. Do not uninstall 9 but rather use the DNS 9.5 upgrade (will not install of x64 if DNS 9 not installed first or if 9 is removed).
Sennheiser M3 and Buddy USB pod.
Although all of the above help incrementally, the majority of the benefit came with switching from XP x86 to x64. (Also tried Vista x64 but performance was not nearly comparable).
Hope others find this helpful.
Outstanding response. It sounds like you have a working version using Fusion 1.1 and 10.5.1? You are using Leopard?
Yes to all.
can you Try this DNS KB artical http://knowledgebase.nuance.com/view.asp?60VQ=IHIF&5d7r4B=Zvp412u10r
following your lead I tried using Dragon in a XP 64 virtual machine. It worked fine, but not as well as in the XP 32-bit edition I've got working. I'll try to increase the memory of the VM.
I am trying to set this up for medical transciption using xp and os10.5.1 with a phillips mic - it picks up the mic when I go thru the initial set up , but when I go to the training sessions and click 'go ' a pop up window comes on that says 'sound will not be available.' the microphone is seected in the usb ports on the bottom left and I can hear their demo back thru the microphone - any suggestions?
Does the phillips mic require special drivers? I'm asking because the plantronics cs50 that I use does not use any--it's recognized by windows and works w/o problem in the VM.
Also, have you checked your audio settings inside winxp VM?
No , it has wrked great wehn on a regular windows machine with no drivers, and I did try checking the settings in Windows. I saw the link 3 posts above and am going to see if that helps
I need some help...
I have a macbookpro, 17', 2 2.33, 2gigs... I run vmware 1.1 (62573). I have win xp professional installed, in addition to word 2007. I've installed DNS 9.0 and have upgraded to 9.5. Here's the kicker: it works, but my user database keeps getting corrupted such that I'll run DNS and it will produce gibberish in response to my voice... when this happens, I load a backup user file and it works fine, for a while, but then does the same thing. I've spoken to DNS support, and of course they won't support vmware, but they say to 'make sure you shut down DNS before you shut down windows.' Would suspending the vmware session corrupt the user file? Has anyone else heard of this problem? I'm considering just buying a second computer to do my medical dictations but I didn't want to have to go that route..

Are you using Leopard and the internal microphone? I believe there's a known issue where sound input is garbled under these circumstances.
Nope, I'm using a Logitech USB mic - a fairly decent one too. I am using Leopard
Is the USB mic connected to the guest or used by OS X?
How do I know? I think it's connected to the guest, since the USB blue icon shines on the bottom right... but again, I'm not sure it's a mic issue since when I first install it, the mic works fine!
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Your note was very helpful. I have the same set up as you and also use for Medical dictation. However, I have not been able to get my microphone (Philips USB as yours) to be recognized through VMF. I did set the system setting in MAC and it does pick up sound from the mic. However there is no USB (symbol) indication on the VM side at the bottom right screen on which I can click to activate the mic. Suggestion?
Although all of the above help incrementally, the majority of the benefit came with switching from XP x86 to x64. (Also tried Vista x64 but performance was not nearly comparable).
How do I know which XP I have ? I know it's a family one, but not what exact version it is.
At present DNS is not working properly. I don't know whether it comes from the microphone (when I use the WIndows recorder, I hear my voice very low and very slow !), from the audio-in design of Windows, or from something else. I should get a new microphone by tomorrow.
Thanks for any help !
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The latest version of the voice control software
- Speak naturally to the computer
- Amazing level of accuracy
- Seamlessly embedded with Windows
- Useful for dictation and voice-controlling the PC
- You need to train the program
- Requires some time to improve accuracy
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